
Friday, February 10, 2012

Wow, what a long break!

I was just thinking yesterday, that I should have a blog. And then I remembered that I DO have a blog... it has just been sitting for oh, 3 1/2 years idly. So this morning, I decided to grab the feather duster and the windex and open it back up.
I have a lot to write about, and since basically no one has ever read my blog, it serves as a journal of sorts as well.
What have I been doing for the last 3 1/2 years? Too much!
For starters, we are now living in California! San Diego to be exact, and I must say... I have never lived anywhere that takes my breath away like this place does. It was completely crazy how we ended up here, but you know what? God knows best! He took us from the congestion and chaos of the northeastern metroplex and put us in truly one of the most beautiful places on earth or at least in this country. I love it here, honestly, I am smitten beyond words. I have never been to a place where the air actually sparkles, but here in San Diego- it does!
There is much more to say, but it will have to wait. Even though I want to blog, I also have other things to attend to today.
Be back later!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom

Ok, please ignore the fact that I haven't blogged in ummm 6 months?!?

Today is my Mom's birthday, and it was finally something that I wanted to write about rather than just complaining about the sorry state of my life right now. Or that two years out of 5 is too long, much too long to be seperated from your husband.

Today, my Mother would have been 68 years old. Still not old... at least not by today's standards. This is her 3rd birthday in Heaven.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her, although usually when I do now, it is with smiles and laughter over something funny that she once did or said and not so much sadness. There was a time, not long ago that I wondered if I would ever get to the place where I could do that.

I miss you Mom, each and every day. I love you... Happy birthday!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My beautiful daughter...

Tuesday is the 14th birthday of my oldest daughter, Meghann.

When we found out about her impending arrival, it was a bit of a shock as we held her 6 month old brother. There was a bit of panic about having two babies so close together, and giving birth while Rich was out to sea. But every bit of that melted away the first time I saw her on the ultrasound. Even at 20 weeks, she had chubby cheeks and was completely adorable. It wasn't ideal timing... but we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful or perfect daughter.

When she was born, she didn't even cry, just started breathing. She has had a mellow temperment throughout her life. She has brought her Dad and I, along with our entire family so much joy!

Meghann deals with life in such a mature way, moving, the loss of her beloved Grandmother. I really cannot say enough good things about her. She is our princess, our Cinderella and we love her so so very much.

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl! We hope that your 14th year is your most magical one yet!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

This is so hard

Hey Everyone
No, I really didn't fall off the face of the earth... I have just been very quiet the past month or so. Reflective.

I feel most of the time as though I am stuck in a time warp, every day is the same, and my main goal is just to get through the days. That's all I want, is to just get through the days.
I miss Rich so much, I cannot even find the words to describe it. I need him more than I like to admit to myself. He is truly my other half, and without him, life itself is just difficult. We did have a wonderful time when he was here in March!

Very soon it will be Meghann's birthday, now my baby girl will be 14 years old, which I cannot believe. I will write a post dedicated to her in the next few days.

I will try to post in the next day or so, and be more regular. 8 months 12 days left to go...

Monday, March 17, 2008

11 weeks, One more day and 16 years

Isn't that an odd title for a blog post?

Well the 11 weeks, that is how long it's been since I've seen Rich of course. An impossibly long time, too long. 43 weeks left to go.

One more day, that means that he will be here tomorrow night. I am so excited, yet I find myself struggling with mixed emotions. I am so excited to see him (couldn't sleep last night) yet my heart aches all the same. The kids and I are more or less adjusted to him not being here now. And re-setting the clock is painful, each and every time you have to say goodbye it's worse. Sigh... God, just let me see the good in this and give me strength. Don't let me dwell on the fact that next week, he will be in the nastiest dirt hole of the middle east.

16 years... It was 16 years ago today that I met my dear husband. What seems at times to be an entire lifetime ago, yet only yesterday all the same. The luckiest day of my life to be sure.
I love this man, I have loved him since the day I met him and I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband, such a wonderful human being in my life!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

15 years ago....

15 years ago, I was in labor. A process that dragged on endlessly, for nearly 30 hours. But which gave me the best gift, my son. My only son.

I remember lying there on the operating table after the Dr finally delivered you, and listening to you cry. And I remember so well, the first time they placed you in my arms. I was immediately awestruck, and wondered how it was possible for a human being to love another human being so immediately and completely.

You were such a good baby, and you and Mommy did everything together until you were 3 months old and we were back with Daddy. Then it was the 3 of us who did everything together. Going to the movies, out to dinner. So many special times. Holding you up by your hands so I could dip your little feet in the Pacific, only to have you get struck by a wave. You sputttered and then laughed. Climbing into the bathtub on your own, while Mommy was filling it with water. The way you used to hold my finger when I nursed you. So many precious memories.

Now, you are nearly a man. I look at you, so tall. You remind me so much of your Dad, but you have much of me in you as well. I am so proud of you, with your little mustache that's growing in. With your physical capabilites, the way you are so fiercely competitive on the football field.
I am so proud of you, and man you are becoming. And, Matthew Ryan, I still wonder how one person can love another so completely. All I know is that with you, it's been easy.
I love you so much!

Happy 15th Birthday, Buddy!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Another month gone...

Today is the last day of February, yay! Each and every month I can mark off of the calendar is a month closer to my husband being home, and life being "normal" again. Besides that, I hate winter and Jan/Feb are the worst months of the year for me. I used to include March in that equation, but since my son was born in March, it's not such a terrible month any longer. His birthday is in 6 days! Which leads me to a funny story... Matt is a health nut, and an exercise junky. He doesn't like to eat any sweets.

Well, yesterday I am at the store, shopping for groceries and I am peering at the cake selection. I happened to be on my cell phone with Rich, and I asked him what kind of cake I should buy buddy for his birthday. Well, we used to be able to buy him carrot cake, because we convinced him that it was healthy because it had carrots in it. Sometime in the past year, he has figured out that is not the case (darn!!) so I am back to square one. So I couldn't decide on what to do, finally I told Rich that I was going to buy Matt a relish tray, and stick a candle in the middle of it. When I mentioned that to Matt last night, he giggled and told me that a cheesecake would be an acceptable alternative. So I guess we are going to do that. Goofy kid!! He's a great guy, my son. All of my kids are great, really. We have been very blessed. I just cannot believe how grown up they are getting. Iwas sitting here at the computer the other day and he walked past me, I couldn't believe how TALL he was.

I am doing ok at the moment. Last night the left side of my chest was hurting very badly, I was in tears. I seem to be feeling better today, just a dull ache. I am more than ready for this bronchitis to leave. "Ok, you have made my life miserable long enough, you can go now."

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I am going to try and follow Dr's orders and get some rest. TTFN!